Think Smarter with Anti-Static Flooring

Posted by GreenSource Solutions

Businesses and companies alike might have unique specifications for their commercial flooring needs in Massachusetts. GreenSource has worked with enough companies in both MA and NH to know commercial flooring is never the same for two projects, and one reason can be the need for anti-static floors.
Staticworx ESD flooring NH
Anti-static floors might seem strange to any passerby, but these floors are essential in certain fields of work. These floors prevent the buildup of static electricity, which is often caused by shuffling of feet or other objects against the ground. Companies and businesses that require electrical assembly, specific government applications, and other areas where sophisticated electrical equipment can be altered because of static electricity need flooring that accommodates these needs.


GreenSource Solutions knows these companies need great materials for their workspace without breaking the bank, and that’s why we work with Staticworx. We offer ESD carpet, carpet, vinyl and rubber tile, and other accessories for companies looking to invest in this product. Not only are these turnkey flooring solutions for any problems you might have related to static electricity, Staticworx has ISO-9000 certified factories and tests product at independent labs before shipment.


Working with a company that understands your needs as a business means they hold themselves to the highest regards of customer satisfaction. GreenSource strives to creating great customer relationships by providing the best product possible, and that starts with reliable materials that make your workspace safer than ever before.


If you think anti-static flooring is what your business needs, give us a call today at (617) 513-6339 or (617) 799-1800 to talk with our experts today.